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Latest publications
by OP. Thaval, SS. Mallikarjun and A. Lehnberger
In recent times, falling-film type evaporators have gained attention in the cane sugar industry owing to their ability to operate at lower temperature differences, a good heat-transfer coefficient at high brix, and low juice residence time in the evaporator. The falling-film type (tubular) evaporator station at the ICPL sugar mill has been in operation since 2011. The station was reconfigured in 2013 with additional heating surface area to increase the juice processing capacity and further reduce the exhaust steam consumption. After seven years in operation, a second evaluation of the evaporator performance was undertaken. One of the performance evaluation objectives was to understand the effect of scaling on the heat transfer of the first-effect falling-film evaporator over 34 days of operation without cleaning. A scaling formation theory is postulated to predict the build-up of scale for uninterrupted operation. The paper provides an insight into the operation of a first-effect falling-film evaporator in a cane sugar factory.
Webinar presentation prepared for the 42nd ASSCT Conference in Bundaberg 2020 by Dr. A. Lehnberger
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (Wiley online library, first published: 10 June 2020)
by Dr. A. Lehnberger
The operating data from batch‐type pendulum centrifuges for separating sugar crystals from crystal suspensions are recorded locally during the sugar manufacturing process and analyzed in cloud‐based applications. The information obtained can be classified into machine‐related status data, separation process‐related key figures, and advanced evaluation results for the crystal suspension (massecuite) processed and the sugar produced. Such continuously available analyses could previously only be prepared in limited quantities and by experts with specialist knowledge.
Mahrholz, J.; Lehnberger, A.; König, M.: Amélioration de la cristallisation industrielle grâce à l'automatisation. IAA - Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles 136 (2019) Nr. 7/8 (Juillet/Août), S. 26-31
L’implémentation d’un projet de développement pour l’industrie sucrière a permis d’analyser l’expérience et les attentes des utilisateurs résultant de l’usage des appareils compatibles avec l’Internet des objets (IoT). L’exemple de la commande des centrifugeuses discontinues employées dans le monde entier montre que ces aspects de la numérisation se retrouvent aussi bien dans l’appareil de commande présent sur un site que dans l’application basée sur le cloud.
By J. Mahrholz, A. Lehnberger & M. König
L’automatisation moderne du processus a apporté de grands progrès dans l’atelier sucre par rapport à l’époque où les sucreries étaient exploitées manuellement ou semi-manuellement. Des exemples tirés de la pratique montrent les effets de l’automatisation dans les sucreries, tels qu’ils sont constatés grâce à l’amélioration de la teneur en cristaux, de leur qualité et de la capacité de production des appareils à cuire. Avec la cristallisation industrielle, l’accent est mis sur l’amélioration constante de la conduite du processus dans le but d’accroître encore plus le rendement. Le nouveau concept présenté montre comment la conduite améliorée du processus peut réussir avec des capteurs complémentaires, tout en tenant particulièrement compte de la limite de métastabilité.
Proceedings fo the 25th AvH Symposium
by J. Mahrholz, A. Lehnberger and M. König
Compared with earlier times in beet sugar factories with manual or simi-manual operation, modern porcess automation is responsible for great improvements in sugar house processing. The practical experience gained in sugar factories shows the impact of automation e.g. on the improvement of crystal content and crystal qualitiy as well as efficiency of the vacuum pans.
International Sugar Journal, October 2017
by Dr. Andreas Lehnberger and Irma Geyer
For many years, the materials used for sugar production equipment were selected based on criteria such as material strength, corrosion resistance, availability and current prices. Today, additional requirements have to be considered, which are defined by the location where the equipment is to be installed. Examples include food safety (hygiene), operational reliability and maintainability. Material selection enhanced by innovative design allows meeting the highest requirements regarding process optimisation and productivity while also ensuring low wear and tear of the components, low maintenance, and a long service life. This paper gives examples to explain the selection of materials in view of present requirements. They include compliance with hygiene standards through use of inert materials, non-breakability, low surface roughness, cleanability, low abrasion, detectability, resistance, but also a long service life and ease of maintenance. A particular focus will be placed on the consistent use of stainless steel, which results from most of the requirements mentioned. Furthermore, the latest innovations in centrifugal design will be presented; the basket design, for example, significantly contributes to a longer life, and to a simplification of the mechanical system, thanks to a reduced number of components. This helps not only to minimise maintenance requirements and thus costs and downtimes, but also reduces the risk of machine failures.
International Sugar Journal
by F. Brahim, A. Lehnberger, SS. Mallikarjun, R. Nasim and S. Shafqat Ali Shah
More and more cane sugar factories are closely monitoring their energy consumption figures and trying to reduce their steam demand to a minimum by investing in equipment and process optimisation. The new global tendency to install cogeneration plants is the main reason for the cane sugar factories to monitor not only the daily quantity of sugar produced, but also the amount of bagasse quantity that is saved each day. The bagasse saved serves as an energy source after crushing to produce electric power that is then fed into the local mains. Modern cane sugar factories achieve steam consumption values of 30% on cane (in cane sugar factories with plantation-white production) and 40% on cane (in cane sugar factories with a back-end refinery) and can thus store 50% / 35% of the bagasse produced. Operating results from cane sugar factories in India and Pakistan point to clearly enhanced processing performance and reduced steam demand thanks to the installation of falling-film evaporators as well as modifications of the heating scheme and the pan-boiling process. However, it has to be determined that reducing the steam consumption by optimisation of the factory’s heating scheme will be useful only if the heat/power equilibrium remains effective in spite of the steam savings.
Abstract from Sugar Journal, June 2017
by A. Lehnberger, D. Laue and R. Hempelmann
Changing market conditions are forcing cane sugar factories to find ways of improving the quality of the produced sugar and increasing the sugar output. Numerous process details from crystallisation, which are commonly applied in beet sugar factories, but not yet considered to be state of the art in the cane sugar industry, have in recent years been implemented in cane sugar factories.
Continuous crystallisation of bold A sugar in a vertical continuous pan (VKT) was verified while working at very low temperature differences. Process automation together with far-sighted operation of the process produces A massecuite of a consistent quality. The use of 4th vapour for continuous crystallisation of A product contributes significantly to steam savings in the sugar production process.
The yield improvement obtained by continuous cooling crystallisation of C product directly depends on the outlet temperature reached. The oscillating vertical cooling crystalliser (OVC) system achieves low molasses purities thanks to a final temperature of 40°C and the low percentage of fine crystals.
International Sugar Journal, October 2017
by Dr. A. Lehnberger and I. Geyer
For many years, the materials used for sugar production equipment were selected based on criteria such as material strength, corrosion resistance, availability and current prices. Today, additional requirements have to be considered, which are defined by the location where the equipment is to be installed. Examples include food safety (hygiene), operational reliability and maintainability. Material selection enhanced by innovative design allows meeting the highest requirements regarding process optimisation and productivity while also ensuring low wear and tear of the components, low maintenance, and a long service life. This paper gives examples to explain the selection of materials in view of present requirements. They include compliance with hygiene standards through use of inert materials, non-breakability, low surface roughness, cleanability, low abrasion, detectability, resistance, but also a long service life and ease of maintenance. A particular focus will be placed on the consistent use of stainless steel, which results from most of the requirements mentioned. Furthermore, the latest innovations in centrifugal design will be presented; the basket design, for example, significantly contributes to a longer life, and to a simplification of the mechanical system, thanks to a reduced number of components. This helps not only to minimise maintenance requirements and thus costs and downtimes, but also reduces the risk of machine failures.
by A. Lehnberger, D. Laue, SS. Mallikarjun and HR. Mahesh
Changing market conditions are forcing cane sugar factories to find ways of improving the quality of the produced sugar, increasing the sugar output, and, if the location permits, developing alternative uses of the bagasse besides sugar production. Numerous process details from crystallisation, which are commonly applied in beet sugar factories, but not yet considered to be state of the art in the cane sugar industry, have in recent years been implemented in cane sugar factories. The achieved improvements affect different performance parameters. Progressive automation of the crystallisation process combined with the production of seed massecuite by cooling crystallisation yields a controlled crystal quality. Continuous crystallisation of bold A sugar in a vertical continuous pan (VKT) was verified while working at very low temperature differences. Process automation together with far-sighted operation of the process produces A massecuite of a consistent quality. The use of 4th vapour for continuous crystallisation of A product contributes significantly to steam savings in the sugar production process. The yield improvement obtained by continuous cooling crystallisation of C product directly depends on the outlet temperature reached. The oscillating vertical cooling crystalliser (OVC) system achieves low molasses purities thanks to a final temperature of 40°C and the low percentage of fine crystals. With these measures for sugar house operation, the challenging demands for controlled sugar quality, efficient steam utilisation and higher sugar output can be met at the same time.
Special Reprint from SUGAR INDUSTRY 141 (2016) No. 3, 156–158
by D. Seebaum, S. Weidner
In the sugar industry, operating costs can be permanently reduced without making high investments. Calculations have shown that investments in upgrades of existing plants will pay themselves off after only 95 days in case of DynFAS FS upgrades, or 240 days for drive upgrades. With its retrofit concept, BMA Automation located in Braunschweig is aiming at three targets: a better utilisation of the centrifugal capacity, increased energy efficiency, and the use of innovative operating modes. Moreover, current standards with regard to plant safety are implemented by an upgrade, and a higher product quality is achieved thanks to innovative sensor technology.
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SUGAR INDUSTRY / ZUCKERINDUSTRIE 140 (2015) No. 12, 748–752
by T. Schulze, A. Lehnberger, J. Pfauntsch, T. Frankenfeld
Tower extraction has become the state-of-the-art technology for extracting sugar from cossettes. Sugar yield and plant economy are factors that have made this technology prevail over other extraction methods. In particular for high throughput rates per extraction line, tower extraction plants are unrivalled. The possibilities to reduce the energy consumption during extraction are shown using the example of a technologically leading European sugar producer. Thanks to the installation of large extraction plants in the sugar factories of Schweizer Zucker AG at Frauenfeld and Aarberg, the extraction losses and also the raw juice draft could be reduced significantly. Based on the records of the campaigns from 2000 to 2014, the paper reports on results of the operation of a modern tower extraction plant. In the more recent past, there has been a trend towards longer beet campaigns, and sugar factories are increasing their capacities due to economic reasons. Depending on the project conditions, various extension concepts are coming into effect. Special emphasis has to be placed on future-oriented material selection.
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles - Juillet-Août 2015
by T. Schulze & R. Hempelmann
En ce qui concerne la consommation d’énergie et le rendement en sucre, l’atelier de diffusion est l’une des plus importantes étapes du procédé sucrier. La diffusion verticale est devenue la technologie la plus avancée pour les nouvelles sucreries et pour remplacer les installations existantes. Pendant plus de 15 ans, le concept de « Tour 2000 » a prouvé sa capacité à assurer des rendements en sucre élevés, un faible soutirage du jus brut, des risques réduits d’infection, une fiabilité élevée, de faibles coûts de maintenance et de réparation. Les systèmes de diffusion installés ces dernières années fonctionnent avec un faible soutirage du jus brut. L’influence sur la capacité du processus dans les stations d’épuration et d’évaporation du jus, sur la consommation d’énergie et le rendement en sucre va être présentée. D’autres développements et leurs limites seront abordés.
604 International Sugar Journal | August 2014
by Dr. F. Brahim (BMA AG) and S.S. Mallikarjun (Indian Cane Power Ltd.)
In the cane sugar industry, Robert evaporators are generally considered the preferred evaporator design because of the issues associated with the scaling of heating surfaces. An evaporator set concept has been developed in collaboration with a supplier to utilise falling-film evaporators in the cane sugar industry in order to benefit from the numerous advantages of this technology. In 2011, a new 5-effect evaporator set composed entirely of falling-film evaporators was designed, supplied and commissioned for the Indian Cane Power Limited (ICPL), Uttur, a sugar cane factory located in the State of Karnataka, India. The design targets for this evaporator plant were smooth operation of falling-film evaporators in the cane sugar industry, considerable reduction of the steam consumption of the sugar factory and clear increase of power export to the local power supply network. The supplier BMA accompanied this project with the preparation of mass and energy balances, process flow diagrams and process layout concepts. BMA also assisted with commissioning and chemical cleaning of the plant.
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«L’Industria Saccarifera Italiana», vol. 107, 2014, n. 2
La cristallizzazione e il dezuccheraggio dello sciroppo madre nel basso prodotto avvengono in due fasi consecutive. La prima è costituita dalla cristallizzazione per evaporazione, processo con cui si ottiene una diminuzione della purezza dello sciroppo madre di ca. 12 punti e si produce circa l’80% della massacotta di basso prodotto. Al termine il magma di basso prodotto viene raffreddato osservando un rapporto di sostanze non zuccherine e acqua pressoché costante.
Сахар и свeкла - 1/2013
by H. Hafemann & H. Griebel
Фирма ВМА разрабатывает и изготавливает оборудование для сушки и охлаждения сахара уже несколько десятилетий. За прошедшее время появилась такая продукция, как барабанный сушильно-охладительный аппарат и горизонтальный охладитель сахара с псевдоожиженным слоем. Последнее промышленное применение – это вертикальный охладитель с псевдоожиженным слоем фирмы ВМА, который был смонтирован и успешно введен в эксплуатацию на сахарном заводе Саванна компании «Империал Шугар» в США. В данной статье основное внимание сосредоточено на важности учета индивидуальных требований и конкре ных условий окружающей среды для адекватного выбора оборудования для сушки и охлаждения. Ключевые слова: сахар, сушка, охлаждение, барабанная сушильно-охладительная установка, охладитель с псевдоожиженным слоем
Reprint from Vol. 138 (2013) No. 8, 522–524
by G. Caspers, K. Nammert, H. Fersterra, H. Hafemann, Dr. A. Lehnberger
The drying of pressed sugar beet pulp in a pressurised fluidized bed with superheated steam is widely used in the sugar industry and can be considered to be state of the art for energy-efficient drying concepts in combined plant systems. The process has been used on a large scale in the sugar industry for more than 20 years. In the past campaign, BMA subjected existing drying systems at various locations to a number of refinements. These systematic, process engineering modifications allow the driers to work more efficiently and reliably. Feeding pressed pulp into a fluidised-bed drier is a critical phase in the drying process and can lead to malfunctions. The ability to determine the fluidisation conditions in the first drier cells provides more detailed insights into the process so that critical situations can be detected at an early stage and therefore malfunctions can be avoided. Further investigations have shown that the height of the fluidised bed has a considerable effect on adequate product transport and on the degree to which the heat from the circulated steam is utilised and, consequently, on water evaporation.
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles - Juillet-Août 2013
by J. Schmidt & I. Geyer
La cristallisation, et donc l’épuisement de l’eau mère dans le bas produit, est réalisée en deux étapes successives. La première étape est la cristallisation par évaporation où une réduction de la pureté de l’eau mère d’environ 15 points est obtenue et où sont produits environ 85% de la masse cristalline du bas produit. Ensuite, la masse cuite de bas produit est refroidie tout en maintenant un rapport non sucre/eau le plus constant possible. L’objectif est d’épuiser au maximum l’eau mère tout en poursuivant le grossissement des cristaux déjà existants. Les cristalliseurs refroidisseurs verticaux de type oscillant sont un équipement de choix qui offre un retour sur investissement rapide. Ce présent article décrit les conditions nécessaires à un rendement optimal en cristallisation.
Reprint from Vol.,137 (2012) No. 8, 518–522
by H. Hafemann, H. Griebel
BMA develops and builds equipment for drying and cooling sugar since quite a number of decades. The following products came out of this long period like the drum dryer/cooler and horizontal fluidised bed cooler. The latest application is BMA’s vertical fluidised bed cooler, type VFC, which has been installed and successfully been taken into operation e.g. at Imperial Sugar, Savannah USA. This paper focuses on the importance of taking into account the individual requirements and specific ambient conditions to adequately choose the drying and cooling equipment.
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In order to achieve optimum crystal yields, sugar factories have to use cooling crystallisers for low-grade massecuite. However a number of basic conditions have to be fulfilled for excellent crystallisation results and, therefore, a high crystal content in the massecuite.
by S. Stiegert, I. Geyer, D. Spangenberg and Dr. A. Lehnberger
For many decades, centrifugals have been absolutely vital for sugar production. In the course of time, their design and features have been modified and upgraded many times. Could it therefore be that they have reached the final stage of development? BMA’s new batch centrifugal of the E-series is setting an impressive example of how much potential for development an already highly sophisticated product still offers: As before, the sugar is spun to separate the sugar crystals from the mother liquor but the subtle difference is in the detail. This article explains what concrete benefits users will derive from the latest technical and technological insights that have been incorporated into this generation of BMA centrifugals. First practical experience confirms the success that this consistent development has brought.
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Сахар и свёкла 2/2012
Stiegert, S.; Geyer, I.; Spangenberg, D.; Lehnberger, A.
же много десятилетий подряд центрифуги являются неотъемлемой частью сахарного производства. За это время неоднократно изменялись и усовершенствовались их конструкция и функции. Сегодня иной раз встаёт вопрос, а не достигнута ли последняя, завершающая ступень их развития? Новая центрифуга периодического действия серии Е фирмы БМА убедительно демонстрирует, какой огромный потенциал для дальнейшего совершенствования заложен в этой уже сегодня высокотехнологичной машине: она и далее служит для отделения кристаллов сахара от маточного раствора путём центрифугирования, но изобретательность проявляется в деталях. Статья освещает, какие конкретные преимущества для пользователя вытекают из последних технических и технологических инноваций, которые были использованы в этом поколении центрифуг БМА. Примеры первого практического опыта подтверждают успех последовательной работы над.
by A.S. Vawda, A.E. Muneef and M. Voelling
While most other unit operations have moved to continuous operation, refined sugar pan boiling is generally conducted in batch pans. The vertical continuous pan at United Suagr refinery in Jeddahhas been successfully operating since 2007. It is possible to compare batch pan operation with continuous pan operation, as both systems operate in parallel. Generally speaking, the merits of a continuous process over a batch process are follows: Better plant utilization; higher operating and energy efficiency; and simpler process controll. This paper examines the performance of the Jeddah continuous pan on the basis of: design features; heat and mass transfer; operating experience; crystal size distribution; sugar quality, fouling and encrustation; and instrumentation and control.
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles - Juillet-Août 2012
by S. Stiegert, I. Geyer, D. Spangenberg, A. Lehnberger
Les centrifugeuses représentent depuis des décennies un équipement incontournable de la production du sucre. Au fi l du temps, leur conception et leurs fonctions ont été à maintes reprises remaniées et perfectionnées. Certains vont peut-être se demander si le dernier stade du développement n’est pas déjà atteint ? La nouvelle centrifugeuse BMA discontinue de la série E montre d’une manière impressionnante combien de potentiel se cache encore dans un produit déjà très élaboré : elle sépare toujours les cristaux de sucre de l’eau mère en utilisant la force centrifuge mais le raffi nement est dans les détails. Cet article explique les avantages concrets pour l’utilisateur qu’apportent les derniers développements techniques et technologiques intégrés dans cette génération de centrifugeuses BMA. Les premières expériences faites sur le terrain confi rment le succès de ce développement considérable.
by E. Bartsch and I. Geyer
As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of centrifugals, BMA is setting a new industrial standard with its K3300 continuous centrifugal in terms of economic efficiency, performance and ease of operation. The new compact square design requires little space and is clearly arranged. Innovative ideas such as the two-stage basket with patented outlet openings in the basket shell and the new product distributor ensure high throughputs, while allowing excellent technological results. After successfully testing two pilot machines in the cane and beet sugar sectors, the new K3300 continuous centrifugal was put on the market in May 2009. The great interest in this new centrifugal type exceeded all expectations. This paper describes some innovative design features of the K3300 centrifugal. Furthermore, the first results obtained from processing B product in a beet sugar factory are presented. This shows that the new continuous centrifugal is able to achieve high product quality with a high throughput. With reference to case studies in France and Guatemala, benefits (e.g. increased throughput) secured from installing the K3300 centrifugal are highlighted.
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles - Juillet/Août 2009
by I. Geyer, Dr. L. Krell, Dr. A. Lehnberger & H. Hafemann
Le succès de la sucrerie de demain se prépare aujourd’hui. De la conception d’une nouvelle usine, de l’ extension ou de la modernisation à sa réalisation en passant par les choix technologiques ; chaque étape contribuant au résultat global a son importance. De ce fait, tout sucrier se pose la question : « Quel partenaire idéal assurera ma compétitivité et ma pérennité dans ma démarche tout en m’offrant les dernières innovations dans les procédés et les équipements ?» Une société innovante doit être en mesure d’accompagner son client sucrier aussi bien dans la mise en œuvre de nouveaux procédés que dans la mise en place de nouveaux équipements générateurs de progrès aussi bien dans la phase conceptuelle que dans le détail. Elle doit être en mesure : • de fournir des prestations d’ingénierie : étude conceptuelle, ingénierie de base et de détail • d’optimiser les procédés existants • de fournir et d’intégrer des équipements innovants • d’offrir une proximité géographique, linguistique et culturelle. BMA est en mesure d’offrir une solution globale allant de l’étude conceptuelle à la fourniture d’équipements ultraperformants. Cet article vous donne un aperçu des prestations BMA dans le cadre de l’ingénierie et des dernières innovations technologiques en matière d’évaporation, de sécheurs lit fl uidisé CSD®,de sécheurs-refroidisseurs de sucre blanc, de capteurs facilitant l’automatisation de la cristallisation et les essoreuses de grande capacité.
by H.H. Westendarp and B. Bartels
The paper describes the development of a completely new centrifugal concept with superior properties. Based on proven, successful state of the art machine concepts new ideas have been introduced which deviated significantly from conventional design features. After a novel concept was found design work started to build a trial machine which was tested under industrial conditions in Central America and in Europe. As a result this new machine proved to be able to provide higher capacity at improved sugar quality and reduced power consumption. In addition it needs less space (smaller foot print) than its predecessors of comparable capacity. The machine offers high reliability and availability, is easy to operate and needs less maintenance. Highest safety standards are ensured by FEM (finite element method) calculations, tests during fabrication and safety devices at the machine.