We have all been waiting a long time for the restart – finally the time has come: on-site trade fairs for the sugar industry have returned. Following the pandemic-induced break, the whole professional community is relieved and the calendars are filled again with dates for trade fairs, conferences and symposia. We at BMA are highly delighted about this and we are busily engaged in planning our participation in events all over the world.

Trade fairs are back again in the sugar industry
Symposia and expert conferences take place again – with BMA participating
Long tradition: BMA participating in trade fairs on site
As a visitor of expert conferences of the sugar industry, you will surely remember BMA’s trade fair appearance – be it with a complete continuous centrifugal at the Fenasucro trade fair in Brazil, or with the true-to-scale model of our E1810 machine producing candy floss for the visitors. We have, of course, planned to offer sweet treats again for the next trade fair, but unfortunately, this will still not be possible. Nonetheless, with BMA’s long-life machines for the sugar industry, there will surely be a new opportunity soon.
S.I.T. 81st Annual Meeting (17 – 20 April 2022)
The international association of the Sugar Industry Technologists (S.I.T.) has invited already for the 81st time – which says it all. The conference in Orlando, USA, is the event to be for sugar refinery experts from all over the globe. You will have the chance to meet our Hans Schmidt and be informed face to face about BMA’s news for sugar refineries. Don’t hesitate to send us your ideas and questions around sugar production. If you want to schedule a date with BMA and our colleague, you can do this right here:
Hans Schmidt, BMA America; hans.schmidt(at)bma-us.com; +1 630 499 1100.
On the first day of the symposium, Kristin Odörfer from BMA will highlight the topic “Industry 4.0 – what does that mean to different refineries?” together with other participants.
Moreover, BMA’s Deike Laue and Reinhold Hempelmann will give a lecture on
Energy efficiency concepts in sugar house operation – what is old, what is new?
They will be very pleased to answer your questions afterwards. Should you need information on this topic beforehand, please contact us directly or your local contact: https://www.bma-worldwide.com/de/kontakt/kontakte-weltweit.html
ASSCT conference (19 – 22 April 2022)
The 43rd conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists in Mackay, Queensland, is the most important event for the Australian sugar industry this year.
Our colleagues Dr Omkar Thaval and Dirk Schneider will be glad to welcome you in the Entertainment and Convention Centre at the fair stand of our agent Bundaberg Walkers Engineering Limited. Dr Thaval will give a lecture on
Modelling the impact of falling-film evaporator at final-effect position on factory operation and performance
and can give you more detailed information on this topic in a face-to-face talk. Also attending from BMA America are Hans Schmidt and Hans Cramer; hans.cramer(at)bma-us.com; +1 970 351 0190. Naturally, we will also gladly advise you on the optimisation potential of your plants and machinery.
European Society for Sugar Technology (22 – 25 May 2022)
It has long time been uncertain, whether the European Society for Sugar Technology (ESST) event in Reims, France, can take place. But now, BMA is totally wrapped up in the planning for Stand No. 24. Visit us at this conference, which is jointly organised by the ESST and Verein Deutscher Zuckertechniker (VDZ – German Association of Sugar Technologists). You will gain interesting insights into all current developments around BMA’s product portfolio for the sugar industry.
We will be there for you and all your questions, and we will surely find the best possible solution for your concerns. Furthermore, our Dr Mirko Löhn and Dr Holger Fersterra will report at this conference about
Sugar Substitutes – Particularities and challenges in the crystallisation of non-sucrose sugars
Further information about the ESST conference can be found here: https://www.esst-vdz-conference.com/
BMA to participate also in further trade fairs
Stay ideally informed about BMA and follow us on our social media channels LinkedIn or Facebook, where we will regularly post a save-the-date note for trade fairs and conferences. And here is a short outlook on further events for the sugar industry already scheduled:
CONVOCATORIA al Congreso DIVERSIFICACIÓN 2022 – this conference by the AZCUBA Sugar Group is scheduled to take place locally as well as virtually.
American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 50th Annual Joint Meeting
The BMA team wishes all organisers, exhibitors, and visitors interesting meetings and talks, and an enjoyable reunion after this long time – stay healthy!